
Semi Underground House in Frome, Somerset
This is a new semi underground house replacing an existing garage on a restricted and awkward plot in the centre of Frome. Unfortunately previous architects had failed to gain planning permission from Mendip District Council. We addressed the planning concerns of the height of a new house and overlooking issues by partially sinking the building down into the ground so it appears single storey from the front and two storey from the rear – affectively an underground house opening onto a courtyard garden. The sustainable house is well insulated and constructed from a combination of a lightweight timber frame on the upper level sitting on the high thermal mass of the below ground concrete lower level. Renewable energy is provided by PV panels. The design of the modern one off town house provides a contemporary and attractive contrast to the unimpressive and dated styles in the street scene. The house was featured with NASBA at ecobuild and displayed at the Bath and South West Homebuilding and Renovating Show. 

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